lunedì 24 febbraio 2020

i virus non intaccano i metalli

Qualunque virus non può intaccare i metalli.
Nell'immagine sopra: quotazioni di alcuni futures alle ore 10 di lunedì 24 febbraio, la borsa italiana sta perdendo il 4 % .

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Crescono in borsa le aziende farmaceutiche di  Bill Gates che da anni stanno già studiando il Coronavirus ...

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Armstrong: demonizing China and Russia a covert means to justify war

(...)   My concern is this appears to me to be indeed the preliminary tactics to demonize opponents to justify war.
Just take a deep breath. There is such a thing as the Deep State which loves to spin such conspiracies in hopes they will lead to justify their thirst for more power.
They salivate over the idea of getting everyone so panicked that they refuse to use cash, surrender it all, and accept electronic digitize money once and for all.

      Martin Armstrong


5 commenti:

  1. Il n-Corona è stato studiato per anni da Cara Brook, Miller Fellow alla University of California di Berkeley (fonte eLife).
    Salta fuori che i fondi per lo studio vengono dal DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US dipartimento della Difesa),
    il laboratorio di armi più sofisticato del mondo.



  4. Il danno di immagine fatto al paese con questa gestione assurda della comunicazione è incalcolabile. Milano è un marketplace mondiale e siamo riusciti a far credere che sia un covo di appestati. Vogliamo credere che a Francoforte, porta di ingresso della Cina in UE sia tutto ok?

    Claudio Borghi

  5. The Fairview Development Center in Costa Mesa, California, where the US government just tried to quietly house 35-50 infected coronavirus patients, is a state-run facility for the mentally disabled, with a “shadow staff” of 200 people but only six patients according to official records.

    Notably, the center has no biocontainment facilities and no staff trained in level-4 biohazards. It’s actually described as a kind of “prison” by critics who also call it “shoddy” and “run down,” with the “odor” of a jail (see source below).

    It begs the question: Why would the United States Air Force attempt to relocate up to 50 infected coronavirus patients to a facility with no biocontainment capabilities, right in the middle of a high-density population area near Los Angeles?

    Why wouldn’t the Air Force just keep the infected patients at the Travis Air Force Base where they have containment? This idea of “exporting” infected patients into a high-density city near Los Angeles seems incredibly unwise, if not criminally negligent.

    Finally: How can there be up to 50 infected patients trying to be moved by the Air Force when the CDC says there are only 35 infected people in the entire nation?
