lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

Anche l’Italia sotto amministrazione controllata

«È stata la settimana in cui la democrazia è morta in Europa»: nessun giornale dell’eurozona, men che meno Il Corriere e La Repubblica, ha postato questo titolo. Solo un importante giornale inglese, il Telegraph, trae le conclusioni politiche della settimana che ha visto il salvataggio della Grecia e la messa in amministrazione controllata dell’Italia.
articolo originale del Telegraph 

This was the week that European democracy died
The plan to tackle the eurozone crisis will only render ordinary people more powerless.
Democracy went down in a blaze of glory last week. Both the German Bundestag and our own House of Commons put up one hell of a fight against the dying of the light.
When Angela Merkel warned last week about the possible end of the blessedly long post-war peace in Europe, she meant that the failure of the euro (and thus of the EU project) would precipitate economic chaos and possibly lead to war. But she and her colleagues seem oblivious to the resurgence of hostility that is being brought about by every move closer to "successful" European integration.

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